
Bank of America: A Massive Policy Shift In 2016

Posted: 12th Oct 2015
Author: Willem Middelkoop

Zerohedge published this interesting article: Then last night, none other than BofA’s Michael Hartnett who is one of the very few strategists out there who “gets it”, issued a report warning investors to “anticipate a massive policy shift in 2016” which would be a DM/EM mirror image: in the US/EU/Japan from QE to fiscal stimulus Read the full article…

Ben Bernanke: We need new rules of the game

Posted: 3rd Aug 2015
Author: Willem Middelkoop

Jim Rickards had the privilege of spending time with Ben Bernanke, former chairman of the Federal Reserve System, in Seoul, South Korea recently, because both were keynote speakers at an international financial forum. According to Rickards Ben Bernanke was explicit that a financial reset is needed to end the dysfunction of the current system. I will quote Read the full article…