
China wants reset and a ‘de-Americanized world’

Posted: 28th Feb 2014
Author: Willem Middelkoop

The Chinese state press agency Xinhua has called for a ‘new international reserve currency that is to be created to replace the dominant U.S. dollar’. A reset of the world’s monetary system will be supported by China;  ‘Apart from that, the world’s financial system also has to embrace some substantial reforms. The developing and emerging market Read the full article…

The New York Times – The IMF needs a Reset

Posted: 28th Feb 2014
Author: Willem Middelkoop

Robert H. Wade, professor of political economy at the London School of Economics and Jakob Vestergaard, a senior researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies, did call for a reset of the IMF in their op-ed early february 2014. Click here for the full story.

Interview published in NRC Handelsblad

Posted: 2nd Feb 2014
Author: Willem Middelkoop

Willem Middelkoop is one of the winners of the current crisis. In 2007, the former photojournalist , entrepreneur, investor and stock market commentator wrote his first book with a sour view on the economy, If The Dollar Falls. It was followed by a book with tips on how to cope with the crisis, Survive The Read the full article…