IMF’s Lagarde mentions ‘Reset’ ten times, calls for ‘move to another monetary policy’

Posted: 28th Mar 2014
Author: Willem Middelkoop

We now have a second video (kuddo’s to ) in which Christine is promoting the reset-concept. It is quite clear, IMF’s Christine Lagarde has a ‘BIG RESET’ on her mind. She actually mentions ‘reset’ more than ten times in a 2.30 minutes time frame. By using the R-word again and again she demonstrates the roll out of a Read the full article…

Rickards agrees on Global Monetary Reset

Posted: 24th Mar 2014
Author: Willem Middelkoop

In a recent interview with @koosjansen ( and myself  Jim Rickards agreed on the need for a global monetary reset;  Koos Jansen: Do you think there will be a collapse in the worldwide monetary system, including chaos, social unrest and bank failures because all policy makers will do too little too late? Jim Rickards: My new book, The Death Read the full article…

China wants reset and a ‘de-Americanized world’

Posted: 28th Feb 2014
Author: Willem Middelkoop

The Chinese state press agency Xinhua has called for a ‘new international reserve currency that is to be created to replace the dominant U.S. dollar’. A reset of the world’s monetary system will be supported by China;  ‘Apart from that, the world’s financial system also has to embrace some substantial reforms. The developing and emerging market Read the full article…