Max Keiser: global currency reset looms (Jim Willie)
According to Max Keiser the ‘Global Paradigm Shift is in full swing and a Global Currency Reset is near’. He expects a ‘return of the Gold Standard.’ Read full story, by clicking here.
According to Max Keiser the ‘Global Paradigm Shift is in full swing and a Global Currency Reset is near’. He expects a ‘return of the Gold Standard.’ Read full story, by clicking here.
Robert H. Wade, professor of political economy at the London School of Economics and Jakob Vestergaard, a senior researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies, did call for a reset of the IMF in their op-ed early february 2014. Click here for the full story.
IMF’s Christine Lagarde calls for reset (7 times in 120 seconds) during a panel-discussion during the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos. ‘We see as necessary going forward a reset in the area of monetary policy’. Listen to the video here and here.
Willem Middelkoop was interviewed about The Big Reset for 15 minutes by RTL anchor Roland Koopman. The interview is in Dutch with English subtitles. According to editor-in-chief Perry Feenstra ‘The Big Reset by @wmiddelkoop is a Mustread!‘ Click here to watch the interview.
After sending the manuscript of The Big Reset to Mrs. Carmen M. Reinhart, Professor of the International Financial System at Harvard Kennedy School, who has been a great inspiration with her studies on pas financial crisis (please read This Time is Different), I received the following commentary; ‘Thank you for sending. Great material! I am fascinated by your analysis Read the full article…
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