The New York Times – The IMF needs a Reset

Posted: 28th Feb 2014
Author: Willem Middelkoop

Robert H. Wade, professor of political economy at the London School of Economics and Jakob Vestergaard, a senior researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies, did call for a reset of the IMF in their op-ed early february 2014. Click here for the full story.

RTL Z Television

Posted: 25th Feb 2014
Author: Willem

Willem Middelkoop was interviewed about The Big Reset for 15 minutes by RTL anchor Roland Koopman. The interview is in Dutch with English subtitles. According to editor-in-chief Perry Feenstra ‘The Big Reset by @wmiddelkoop is a Mustread!‘ Click here to watch the interview.

Prof. Carmen Reinhart (co-authour This Time Is Different) on The Big Reset

Posted: 24th Feb 2014
Author: Willem

After sending the manuscript of The Big Reset to Mrs. Carmen M. Reinhart, Professor of the International Financial System at Harvard Kennedy School, who has been a great inspiration with her studies on pas financial crisis (please read This Time is Different), I received the following commentary; ‘Thank you for sending. Great material! I am fascinated by your analysis Read the full article…