OMFIF: US and the IMF move towards acceptance of renminbi in new version of the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR)

Posted: 13th Sep 2014
Author: Willem Middelkoop

The London based financial think thank OMFIF carried out an 11-day tour of Asia on 14-25 July encompassing six financial centres. The tour benefited from 48 top-level conversations among them heads of central banks and sovereign funds, other senior government and central bank officials, leading investors, pension funds, economists and academics. OMFIF concludes that the renminbi is Read the full article…

Renmin University Press will launch The Big Reset in China next year

Posted: 29th Aug 2014
Author: Willem Middelkoop

CRUP: ‘China’s position in the world’s currency and financial system will undergo fundamental changes’  One of the leading academic publishers in China, China Renmin University Press (CRUP), will publish the Chinese translation of The Big Reset in 2015. The bestseller was first published early 2015 by Amsterdam University Press (AUP) in cooperation with University of Read the full article…

Largest bank China (ICBC) admits: ‘A new global currency setup is being conceived.’

Posted: 16th Jul 2014
Author: Willem Middelkoop

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the largest bank of China, and second largest in the world, recently confirmed that ‘a new global currency setup is being conceived’.  The news, first published by, came after Jeremy East, Managing Director at Standard Chartered Bank, asked Zhou Ming, General Manager of the Precious Metals Department at Read the full article…