Recently we have met with some very smart guys working for Incrementum, an asset manager from Liechtenstein, the fake Kingdom with the same business model as neighboring Switzerland. Of course we gave them a few copies of The Big Reset. And guess what? In their latest research report (92-pages) they published this conclusion focussing on Read the full article…
It is almost two years ago that the former Bank of England Governor Mervyn King predicted advanced economies would probably not be able to get out of the current crisis without large debt restructurings and a recapitalization of the financial system (read banks). In this Bloomberg article he is quoted as saying; “I am not sure that advanced Read the full article…
According to a IMF historian James M. Boughton the French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown called for a ‘new Bretton Woods’ agreement in October 2008, shortly after the fall of Lehman Brothers. We quote mr. Boughton; ‘What Sarkozy and Brown envisaged was a new multilateral agreement to stabilize international finance in Read the full article…
Because we don’t have much time we quote on this story; One of the conventional justifications by tenured economists for a fiat currency regime, especially as a replacement for a gold, or other hard currency, standard, is that the financial system has been far more stable under a non-gold standard regime. While we have frequently Read the full article…
It is very rare that a (former) central banker tells it like it is. Jürgen Stark, former vice president of the Bundesbank and also former chief economist of the ECB confirmed is a recent conference that “The System is Out of Control” and is “pure fiction”. According to Stark ‘The problem is the monetary model Read the full article…