Renmin University Press will launch The Big Reset in China next year

Posted: 29th Aug 2014
Author: Willem Middelkoop

Schermafbeelding 2014-09-13 om 10.11.55CRUP: ‘China’s position in the world’s currency and financial system will undergo fundamental changes’ 

One of the leading academic publishers in China, China Renmin University Press (CRUP), will publish the Chinese translation of The Big Reset in 2015. The bestseller was first published early 2015 by Amsterdam University Press (AUP) in cooperation with University of Chicago Press.

In a press release CRUP spoke about the ‘great value’ of this book to help Chinese understand the major changes coming to our financial system;

Ms. Grace Cao of the China Renmin University Press: In contrast to the mainstream viewpoint prevailing in the U.S., Mr. Willem Middelkoop’s new book The Big Reset shows an influential European economist and observer’s insight on how the world’s financial system and order will be transformed in the following decade. It is a shared notion in China’s financial and academic sphere that the following ten years mean a significant opportunity for China, whose role and position in the world’s currency and financial system will undergo fundamental changes. As to the question of what kind of changes and why the changes will take place, we hope this extremely popular book will enlighten our readers. To summarize, we believe a Chinese edition of Willem’s The Big Reset will be of great value, and that is why we specially arranged a press release to promote the Chinese edition long before its publication, which is truly unprecedented in our press.

The sale was initiated by independent publishing consultant Matthias Wahls (The Hague),  hired by Willem Middelkoop after the recent success of The Big Reset in the Netherlands and North America.

Matthias Wahls: “It is very promising to realise that one of the absolute premium publishers from China, China Renmin University Press (CRUP), whom I know for many years now, has eagerly picked up the offer and quickly agreed to publish a Chinese translation of Willem Middelkoop’s book The Big Reset, published by AUP. I firmly believe this book will serve an imminent information need in China, and therefore will be sold multi-thousandfold in the Chinese mainland. I expect some more positive news in the near future since I have met a great deal of interest from a variety of countries like Russia, Poland, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Turkey, India, and other Asian countries, such as South Korea.”

Willem Middelkoop: “I am very proud to have signed a contract for a Chinese version of The Big Reset with a leading Chinese University here in Beijing today. It underlines the new and important role China takes within the power structures (IMF, etc.) working on the design of the next phase for the current financial system. I want to thank AUP and Matthias Wahls, who worked hard to achieve this.”

Amsterdam University Press Managing Director Jan Peter Wissink: ‘We are very happy with this new international success for The Big Reset, which has been selling really well. For a quick distribution in the U.S. we used a print-on-demand service in the U.S. Through this new service readers received their personal copy within 48 hours after sales started in January 2014. The book has been a bestseller on Amazon, and after one weekend was among the 600 best selling books worldwide.’


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